The brilliance of intuition…

“If you want freedom in your life — including freedom from stress, anxiety and worry — develop your intuition…”

David Elliott

Hi everyone!

I waited an extra week before sending out the monthly email, as I have some exciting news to share, and it wasn’t quite ready to share last week.

For the first time I am going to be teaching Breathwork Healer Training: Level 1, a David Elliott training.

This training will be happening in-person June 10th & 11th in Aspen, CO (a truly special place).

In preparation for teaching this training, I have been doing my own training with David Elliott and crew. Engaging with this work at an even deeper level has potently reminded me why I fell in love with this practice so long ago, and just how much healing, connection, love and straight up magic this work has brought into my life.

A big part of this magic was learning to engage with my intuition.

Intuition is a superpower all humans possess yet few nurture and develop this skill. And just like any relationship, what you put in is what you get back.

Breathwork Healer Training: Level 1, focuses on the foundational principles of breathwork, which is the cornerstone of this work, but more importantly it teaches you how to build and trust your intuition.

Intuition is designed to guide us through the uncharted, to alert us to danger and then point us towards the beacon of safety, to help us discern when to move and when to wait, to illuminate the next breadcrumb, then the next and the next…

It truly fascinates me, the brilliance of our intuition and how each human is equipped with this ability, and even more so how anyone can hone this skill.

Which is why it lights me up to be teaching this training.

The changes before all of us on the individual/personal level, along with on the world stage require us all to play a bigger game than we are currently playing. To me that involves tapping more deeply into our intuition to guide us through.

I can already feel how dynamic and fun this training is going to be! Would be amazing to have you there!


Eliza Rose Kane


Am I ever going to get this? + Aspen In-Person Event!


Whispers of…