Eliza Rose Kane

Feel the soothing sensations of the breath calming your nervous system. Relax your mind. Manage overwhelm.

Tap into who you really are and start the discovery of what you are truly capable of.

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With the help of breathwork meditation, feel connected, find deeper meaning, become present & clear, feel safe within your body and learn to trust life.

Hi, I’m Eliza

A healer. A teacher of breathwork and creativity. A writer. & most of all, a thought provoker.

Using breathwork meditation, movement and creative expression, I play with weaving together the esoteric and the scientific to create experiences that inspire people to dive into a deeper understanding of themselves and this world we operate in. 

The work I share, while fun, will push your capacity for growth, challenge your limiting beliefs and ultimately take you to a heightened level of awareness. My goal is to help people feel safe and comfortable in their body, confident, connected, and full of possibilities. READ MORE

What I Offer

Click on the images below for further information and to register.


I’m excited to be focusing on this newly launched program Family Breathwork. Workshops locally and online are currently being set-up, so stay on the lookout! This program is packed with supportive content for you and your family.


1-on-1 & Group Sessions

1-on-1 & Group Sessions

Ideal for those who want a safe place to dive privately into individual work or experience breathwork as a group benefit.


Botanical Breathwork

Ideal for those looking to deepen their relationship to their body and to the Earth.

Breathwork Healer Training: Level 1

Breathwork Healer Training: Level 1

Ideal for those looking to develop and deepen their trust in their intuition.

From Diane Macedo, Emmy Award-winning ABC News correspondent—and former insomniac—comes a practical, user-friendly guide to getting better sleep.

And guess what…breathwork is one of those practical and proven techniques!

In addition to the book, The Sleep Fix’s IG is a fun way to learn about the many many supportive tricks Diane has picked up along her journey.