Family Breathwork
A practice that focuses on how we can create more synergy between all the moving parts, and a practice that you can bring into your home as a way to spend quality time together, nurturing the wellbeing of each family member and the family unit as a whole.
Parenting today holds many new challenges. The wave of technology and the accompanying flood of information has brought in overstimulation and a heightened sense of chaos.
Adding to this, lives continue to be extremely full and managing all of the moving parts within a family can be incredibly challenging and overwhelming.
Taking the time to breathe together not only helps you each regulate your own nervous system, it also helps you be in sync with each other, inviting more connection and harmony into the family atmosphere, while nurturing the foundational principle that you are all on the same team, working together for the well-being of each individual and the family as a whole.
The family is the first group experience your child will have, and will greatly influence their future group experiences and interactions. Let’s work together to teach them how to create healthy dynamics within themselves and with others.
Topics covered include:
Breathwork as a tool for self-regulating
Prevention and alleviation - being proactive with well-being
The link between your nervous system and your child’s
Creating a healthy sense of self
Doing the work - teaching your child to show up for themselves and their life
Group dynamics - being seen and witnessing others - contributing to the well-being of the family unit as a whole
Working together as a team
Interdependence versus codependency - unified yet independent
How to implement this practice at home
Private Individual Family or Private Group Sessions are available via Zoom.
For people in the Westchester and Fairfield County area, I offer at home sessions for an additional $35 travel fee. Details below.
Contact Eliza directly to book.
At What Age Can a Child Participate:
In regard to the age a child is able to participate in the breathing experience, there is no exact formula as each child is unique, however I have found that typically ages 10-12 are when a child is most easily able to start doing the two-part breathing technique. And 8-10 is when they are able to participate in the group breathing experience by simply being present and laying with the family.
For families with younger children, it is recommended to find a time to learn the technique and experience a breathwork session when the younger child or children are either sleeping or in the care of someone you trust. Otherwise it will be very distracting for you. Once you know the practice, you can play around with how to include the younger children (I’m happy to share more on this in the free preliminary consultation). Children learn how to regulate their nervous system through yours, and children in general, but young children in particular tap into your nervous system as a way to help them regulate. So the more you take time to self-regulate, the more your children will benefit, whether they are there with you when you are doing a breathing session or not.
And this practice isn’t limited to doing only with your children. As an adult, this is a beautiful practice for you to do with your older parents. Whether you are looking to find resolution in the past, or find ways to connect further with them, this practice accesses the foundation of love, even when there is conflict and challenge.
Sessions can be done via Zoom or for people in the Westchester and Fairfield County area In-Person is available.
Private Individual Session (60mins) : $150
Private Couples Session (can be parent and child) - (75mins): $200
Private Family Breathwork Session (3 or more) - (90mins): $250
For at home sessions there is an additional $35 travel fee. Prior meeting or reference required.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you have interest in setting a session up.
Curious, but you have questions and want to make sure this would be a good fit for you and your family?
“Weaving my knowledge of wellness & life-style with my knowledge of the family dynamic, the intention with family breathwork is to help families find cohesiveness, harmony, and a foundation of love and safety within the home.”
Family Specific Bio:
Family and children have always been a focal point for me. Born into a family of 4, I started helping out with children at the age of 9 when my younger brother was born. Since then, in various capacities I have worked closely with children and within the family environment, always appreciating the gift of family, while actively supporting bringing cohesiveness to the family dynamic.
Gaining a BS in Dietetics followed by a certification in fitness, studying how to live a healthy lifestyle, complimented my work helping with families.
A move out to California introduced me to breathwork meditation, a practice that taught me the value of working with the nervous system and the intricate connection between the mind, body and spirit.
This practice also taught me about group dynamics and how the experiences early on within our family greatly shapes and influences future group interactions and dynamics with others.
I believe that the more we can help children understand how their body and mind works, and provide them with tools to develop self-awareness and self-regulate, the more likely they are to feel comfortable and confident with who they are.
Weaving my knowledge of wellness & life-style with my knowledge of the family dynamic, the intention with family breathwork is to help families find cohesiveness, harmony, and a foundation of love and safety within the home.
Since 2010, I have trained and studied extensively with David Elliott, a pioneer in the breathwork/healing field and I am qualified to teach his Breathwork Healer Training 1.