Everything is falling into place… plus Aspen Update!
Everything is falling into place…
Chaos and destruction precede evolution. And while the world may seem upside down and/or mad 😉 there is an undercurrent of order amongst it all; something the human mind can’t fully comprehend, but the heart can garner a glimmer of.
It makes me so curious how the next few months, years and decade will unfold…
If you’re feeling extra anxious, keep tapping into that heart, it will help you feel the undercurrent that despite it all, everything is okay.
While things may feel to be falling apart, everything is actually falling into place.
I touched into Aspen last night, and my entire being is filled with joy at being back. This place will always hold a special place in my heart.
I look forward to connecting with those that are here in town, let me know if you are! And it would be wonderful to have you at one of the breathwork events this upcoming week, if you are able to make it.
Important note, we have condensed the Saturday workshops into one, which will take place on the 26th at 10a. The Thursday evening breathwork at 7p on the 24th, is still on as planned!
While here, I am also offering a few private individual or group breathwork sessions. Just reply back to this email if interested!
Keep breathing nice and fully! And have a beautiful rest of August.