Where there is a will, there is a way! Staying clear and developing mental fortitude in turbulent times.

Your body is listening to everything your mind is saying right now.

Are you affirming how strong and healthy you are?  How brilliant and wondrous your body is?  And how you trust your body and you trust yourself to handle whatever comes your way?

Are you affirming that life is on your side and desiring to help you in any way you need?

Right now, no one knows for sure what the future holds.  It's all speculation and forecasting and there might end up being a lot of truth in those predictions.  However the reality is, that no one really knows.  And the other reality is, that these predicted outcomes don't have to be the outcomes if we choose a different direction.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

When has your will and your clear focused attention gotten you something you wanted in your life?

Now is a time to use that will for the collective. 

We are collectively creating this world and we are being given an opportunity to do things differently.  To create something unexpected and maybe even miraculous.

Aren't you bored of the ceaseless conversations around our need to change the way we live, the way we treat each other, the way we treat ourselves and our planet?

The conversation has gotten old.  

If we really want things to change, it starts with our thoughts.  It also starts at the individual level.

What you focus on grows.  And now is the time to develop mental fortitude.  

To focus on how capable you are.  To focus on the resources you do have. To focus on where you are supported and all the ways in which you are safe and loved.  To focus on what builds you up and feeds your well-being --financially, emotionally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. 

Let's pump ourselves up with the knowing that we are powerful beyond what we know.  It's time to step into that power.  It's time to stay clear and focused on the direction you want to head in.

Remember that time when you wanted something so badly, nothing could get in your way! 
Access that inner fire (bonus being that the virus doesn't like heat)! 

And if you are having trouble pulling from your own reserves, look to those professional athletes, or phenomenal performers, or veterans overcoming the most intense traumas or those with disabilities that are defying the odds.  Let them be your inspiration that anything is possible and we all hold within us that ability to be a superhuman!

You can do this.  We all can do this.  Decide and commit.

'You've got a new story to write.  And it looks nothing like your past.' - Danielle LaPorte


In light of rolling with all that is happening right now, there have been modifications to the two upcoming breathwork events I shared about last week.

The NYC live event has obviously been indefinitely postponed.  Allowing for the online class to be bumped up to Thursday the 19th.  Details and registration below.  You'll also notice that I changed the name of the online class, as I truly believe where we focus right now is extra important. 

I am sensitive to the financial uncertainty many are facing, and I am happy to gift this class to anyone in a precarious situation.  Please reach out to me directly if you need assistance and we will get you all set up!


Eliza Rose Kane


This is where we come alive...


Just Say Yes.