Just Say Yes.

We are at such a tender beautiful place in our world, where people are healing and desiring to help others heal. We are learning to fall in love with ourselves, with our lives, with each other.

Yes, it can be brutally uncomfortable and feel tragic and heart wrenching, yet it is also unbearably beautiful. To be human. To acknowledge the complexity and extent of our emotions and of our existence. Wow. Humans are incredible and fascinating.

Right now, with the individual and collective healing, it’s all about changing deep patterning and opening to a new experience of life.  Yes, life really can be different and it doesn't have to be so hard or so harsh.

When you change a pattern, you are actually changing your neurological response to life and this in turn changes your experience of life.  

To instigate the change, you have to train your nervous system to respond differently to the situations you find yourself caught in.

Breathwork, creative expression, spontaneous movement, dance and sound are all able to shift the nervous systems response.  

So the next time you feel frustration, lethargy or confusion, all typical indicators that you are right on some deep seated patterning that you are ready to change, try jumping up and moving your body, dancing, making some noise [don't be afraid to get primal], laying down and doing some breathing, or writing about it and then sharing that writing with someone.

The change can be simple and easy, it doesn't require big bold steps, it requires consistency.  

And know that the deep patterning you are working on has most likely been passed down to you from generations before, so be gentle and loving with yourself.

I've included two of my current favorite songs to support that spontaneous movement!

Snow Patrol -- Just Say Yes

The Polish Ambassadors, Yara Bravo -- Nobody's Alone 



PS. Anxiety is often a result of too much time in the mind and not enough time in the body. So in addition to the playlist, I’m also sharing February’s 15 min breathwork + binaural beats meditation. The binaural beats add an extra element that works wonders with that oh so active. This will be available streaming until March 31st.

February 15 min breathwork + binaural beats meditation LINK

PPS.  March LIVE meditation class times are below.

PPPS.  Just say yes to that new version of life you are so ready to be living!


Where there is a will, there is a way! Staying clear and developing mental fortitude in turbulent times.


The Fundamentals.