Light, Free and Ready To Fly.
Clearing, cleansing, building strength.
For many, this has been a year of just that. It's as though we have all been called to put on an extra heavy backpack, while navigating choppy waters // extreme emotions. Many have probably felt and witnessed more emotions this year then they have for several years combined.
Yes, it has been uncomfortable. For some more than others.
Yet I believe this discomfort and the challenges have all been a part of us clearing and cleansing away emotions and thoughts that have been stagnant for too long. And I believe the challenges have caused us to build and access a new level of strength.
Now imagine taking the back-back off and moving onto smooth terrain.
Light, free and ready to fly.
That is how your body, your entire being is going to feel in the times to come.
So get excited. Get ready.
Continue clearing and cleansing and letting go.
Organizing. Preparing.
When the exact timing of smooth terrain sans heavy backpacks will be, that
I do not know. But I do know it is coming, and it's on each of us to get ready for it!
As always, reach out with questions or if you need some extra support!
Eliza Rose Kane