Magic is organizing chaos...
"Magic is organizing chaos." ⎯The Witcher
We have A LOT of chaos in our world right now. And therefore I believe we have access to more magic than ever before.
The above quote goes on to include: "And while oceans of mystery remain, we have deduced that this requires two things. Balance and control. Without them, chaos will kill you."
Okay, a bit dramatic!
But that is fantasy for you, and fantasy is brilliant at heightening universal truths. Yes I believe this to be a universal truth.
Magic is actually more practical and logical than many believe. It's also often times more mundane than all the hype around it.
Because, just as the quote shares, it most often boils down to balance and control (important to note here, I translate control into discipline not manipulation).
Self-regulating (aka managing your energy aka staying balanced), along with having discipline of thought/focus (aka control) are how most magic happens.
And balance and discipline come from repetitive and consistent practices. Yeah, not so glamorous!
Nevertheless, the fun news is that even though the chaos in the world can feel super overwhelming and daunting, we are at a unique place where the excessive chaos has made available a massive swirl of energy that YOU get to direct in any direction you choose.
You are the organizer of this chaos to whatever extent you want.
You can shut down and ignore it, you can let it be destructive and polarizing or you can use it to generate the type of world you want to live in and the life of your dreams.
The bonus is, it doesn't have to be extreme. Repetitive and consistent habits and thoughts that nurture your body and your surrounding environments are what help drastically with organizing the chaos into magic.
Breathe, declutter, move your body, strengthen your muscles, spend time in nature, create....AND believe in yourself!
This is the time to focus on you and those right around you.