Let’s get physical…
Let's get physical, physical...
Because being physical; moving in your body is more vital than ever before.
Technology has swooped in and unless we want to become a bunch of talking heads ;) then we have to get physical.
Yes it can take a little more discipline, especially if you have found yourself in the inertia of way too much time behind a computer or some screen (which btw is the majority of us).
But that's the reality of right now. And while I'm holding the vision of us finding a sweet spot between technology and physical activity, right now the technology for most of us, is in the excess and we need to step up our physical game!
Which is why I am so so excited to be collaborating with Georgia Reath from Blue Light Yoga. She is straight up awesome and this class is going to be just as awesome.
Eliza Rose Kane
The Power of Alignment
A yoga + breathwork class with Georgia Reath + Eliza Kane
Sunday, November 21 at 4p ET.
As we align and strengthen our bodies, we become more receptive to the healing and vitality found within our breath. From this place we naturally find a greater alignment with life and a stronger attunement to all the incredible experiences life has to offer.
This class will begin with a movement/yoga practice led by Georgia, where she will help you align your body in preparation to more fully receive your breath.
Eliza will then lead you through a breathwork experience, where you will be able to practice working with your breath to receive greater levels of life force and clarity.
Giving this class to yourself is an opportunity not to miss.