It's a beautiful kind of pain…

“I'm standin' in the flames
It's a beautiful kind of pain
Settin' fire to yesterday…” — Eminem

These song lyrics jumped out at me the other day during a run and sparked thoughts around the idea of pain, and how all pain is not bad.

Because to me, the beautiful kind of pain feels like the pain of growth. The pain that comes when you push past what is familiar, and your old habits and thoughts get challenged in a way that feels really uncomfortable and even painful.

It’s the pain that comes from choosing to change destructive behaviors or thought patterns. It’s the pain that sets fire to the past, letting it go so you can finally move forward.

“I feel the burn, watch the smoke as I turn

Rising, a phoenix from the flames”

We will soon be entering into that time of year, where the symbolism of the phoenix rising from the ashes is predominant. It can be an emotional time of year and it also can be an extremely powerful time of year, because this is the time when you get to stretch into a new version of your truth, and set fire to your yesterday!

There are lots of new happenings coming up, and the classics. I have found that the best way to meet extremes or times of high emotional growth, is with consistency. So whether it is the weekly class, the monthly membership, or you simply lying down with some music you love and doing a little breathing on your own, I do recommend finding some form of regularity in your breathwork practice.


Eliza Rose Kane

Beautiful Pain — Eminem, Sia


Let’s get physical…


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