A gentle reminder...we are still in winter ❄ ✨
Hi beautiful beings.
With a world that may feel to have completely imploded, and the start of a new year, it is only natural to feel that it is go time. The time is now! We must fix. Rebuild. Execute on all of our dreams...
Yet winter holds the depth and wisdom of the pause.
And the pause holds the stillness for reflection and a reset.
And the reset is what allows for things to be different.
You all know the quote 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.'
The interesting thing about this past year is that while in so many ways we were in unchartered territory, many of the issues that were hot topics (the way we treat our planet, the way we treat each other, the way we treat our bodies, human trafficking, corruption) These are not new issues...
And it causes me to wonder if part of what caused 2020 to be so massively intense was the hard reality that how we have been addressing these issues isn't working.
I don't say this to be discouraging. Because I also wonder if part of that challenge is the lack of acknowledgement in how far we've come, how far humanity has come. How much has been exposed and is no longer being ignored.
The pause gives space for this acknowledgment.
The acknowledgement feeds inspiration and activates you towards action.
My feel is that...
Motivating through fear is out. Activating through inspiration is in.
I feel this is one of the biggest changes coming our way on the 'how' we address all that needs addressing. Inspiration.
Inspiring through our own connection to the Earth, our body, other people. Inspiring through how we share and express ourselves, how we contribute, essentially, inspiring through who we are day in and day out...
With the light still low and the temperatures cold, warm yourself by a fire or a space heater and pause. Reset. Regroup.
Acknowledge how far you have come, and let that fuel your vision of where you desire to go and who you desire to be.
Who you are (your character) will always be the most valuable thing you can offer this world.
Eliza Rose Kane
PS. Very often, under anger is sadness. And last year there was A LOT of anger, so this year there may be a lot of sadness. Yet past the anger and sadness is a whole lot of joy.
PPS. The Stars Are On Your Side _ a current favorite song of mine =)