The Plateau Continues.

The plateau continues...but I promise it won’t for much longer.

You might already be at the ledge. You might be steps away from the ledge.

If you are feeling some fear that the results you desire are still out of reach, and therefore you must be doing something wrong, which then means you need to totally switch up everything you are doing, or get really extreme in what you are doing, then you are right there and oh so close.

Watch for the extremes. Extremes lead to short circuiting of your system and are the fastest ways to create burn out.

So, you guessed it… consistency is still your best friend.

Now a push isn’t necessarily bad. And it will ultimately be what takes you up the ledge to the next level. You just want to make sure you are right at the ledge.

If the push comes from fear, pause. If you suddenly feel invigorated and inspired, also pause.

Because when you start moving you want to make sure it’s forward. Inspiration takes you forward. Fear has you zigzagging or running backwards. Both bring movement. Be mindful.

And take a little pressure off of yourself. You can’t mess this up. You are a part of nature and birth is the most natural thing in the world.

So relax and know your desires are coming to life.

Listen and trust the cues of your body.

Use the breath. And know the mysterious forces guiding you will never forget or abandon you!

April dates are below.

Love love love!


PS. It’s okay to feel on edge. It’s okay if your uncomfortable. In fact, it’s great. It’s growth.

APRIL DATES (please note the time zone):

Wednesday, April 3rd @ 7:00 pm MST / 9:00 pm EST

For Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4 --online class 1 -- LIVE breathwork + binaural beats  (~45 mins)


Tuesday, April 9th @ 10:00 am MST / 12:00 pm EST

For Tiers 2, 3 and 4 -- online class 2 -- LIVE breathwork + binaural beats class (~30 mins)


Monday, April 22nd @ 7:00 pm MST / 9:00 pm EST

For Tiers 3 and 4-- online class 3 -- LIVE breathwork + binaural beats  (~45 mins)

-- (sessions will be recorded for you to listen to unlimited until the 30th of the FOLLOWING month, so no worries if you can't attend live)


Cleansing into Clarity.


The Plateau.